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Between More and Better School: academic excellence in Portuguese state schools (







Institute of Education, University of Minho, May 25, 2015




The International Seminar Between More and Better School: academic excellence in Portuguese state schools ( discusses the main results of the research project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/IVC-PEC/4942/2012) coordinated by Leonor Lima Torres, a researcher at the Centre for Research in Education (CIEd) of the University of Minho.


Scientific Committee

Almerindo J. Afonso (University of Minho, Portugal)

António A. Neto-Mendes (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Fátima Antunes (University of Minho, Portugal)

Jean-Louis Derouet (French Institute of Education - ENS de Lyon, France)

João Teixeira Lopes (Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, Portugal)

José A. Palhares (University of Minho, Portugal)

Jorge Adelino Costa (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Leonor Lima Torres (University of Minho, Portugal)

Licínio C. Lima (University of Minho, Portugal)

Luísa Quaresma (Autonomous University of Chile, Chile)

Maria Alice Nogueira (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Xavier Dumay (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)

Organizing Committee
Leonor Lima Torres (President) - (Institute of Education, University of Minho, Portugal)

José A. Palhares (Institute of Education, University of Minho, Portugal)

António A. Neto-Mendes (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Andreia Gouveia (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Álvaro Santos (Institute of Education, University of Minho, Portugal)

Germano Borges (Centre for Research in Education of the University of Minho)

Secretariat/ Contacts

Germano Borges (Centre for Research in Education (CIEd) of the University of Minho)

Email -

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